"In my many travels and contacts within the UELAC organisation across Canada,
the Eva Brook Donly Museum and Archives is frequently recognised as being
a pre-eminent resource for United Empire Loyalist history and heritage
within Southern Ontario."
David Hill Morrison, Grand River UEL Association.
The Eva Brook Donly Museum and Archives is recognised as the major repository of primary and secondary source information relating to the United Empire Loyalists who settled in the Long Point Area of Ontario.
Our collection also contains a large number of resources pertaining to New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island as well as what has been described as the largest collection of published Colonial America resources held in a non-academic library. Our microfilm holdings consist of muster rolls for Loyalist regiments, indexed Land Grants, petitions and more.
We are pleased to be able to co-operate with the Grand River United Empire Loyalist Association and invite you to check out the more than 200 titles in their Loyalist library which is held on our premises.
You may also wish to check out a few United Empire Loyalist links we have saved.
Several of our Archive Reading Room volunteers are members of Loyalist organisations and will be able to assist you with your research.
Please call ahead if you wish to confirm that a UEL volunteer will be on duty
or can be scheduled to be present when you arrive.