Norfolk Historical Society - 1900 to 1975 |
For over a century the Norfolk Historical Society has been a prime mover in the preservation of the early history of Norfolk County. The seed of a Society was sown in 1897 when Hal B. Donly, then editor of The Simcoe Reformer, instituted an unofficial historical society, with himself as president and two of his staff as Vice-President and Secretary. Motivation for this movement appears to have come from the discovery in 1897 of the wintering site of the French priests, Dollier and Galinee, along Black Creek a short distance east of Port Dover. The official Society was organized on February 9th, 1900, when a small group of interested citizens of Simcoe assembled for this purpose at the Norfolk County Courthouse. At this charter meeting of the Society, Judge James Robb, county judge of Norfolk County, was named the first President and J.J. Wadsworth became the first Secretary. Others present at the meeting included Mssrs. Henry S. Johnson, H.N. Courtlandt, J.D. Christie, Wray Lemon, Frank Reid, Rev R. Hicks and Rev W.J. Dey. The inaugural year was noteworthy in several respects. One was the immediate proposal to mark the Black Creek wintering site of Dollier and Galinee, although this project was not to bear fruit until twenty-four years later. Another was an early decision to join the Ontario Historical Society, the provincial organization which has done so much to perpetuate Ontario's early history. Finally, Abigail Becker, heroine of Long Point, was elected a member of the Society during 1900. Later on she was honoured by the Society and eventually a number of her prized heirlooms came to the Society. In the early 1900's, quite a few meetings of the Society were held and interesting historical papers read and placed in the Archives. But the Society did not have a meeting place of its own; it did not have even the nucleus of a museum and difficulties were encountered in carrying out a program of marking historic sites. Its finances were not very sound, as only one dollar remained in the treasury at the end of 1900. County Council made a grant that year of $25.00. One consequence was that during the first quarter century of its existence, the Norfolk Historical Society encountered periods when it seemed impossible to maintain general interest and when several years would elapse without any meetings of the Society. It is significant that, in spite of these long lapses, the Society was only dormant and in due course its activity would be revived by interested citizens. Judge Robb continued to serve as President of the Society from 1900 until 1905, except for the year 1902, when Hal B. Donly occupied the office, as he did in the year 1906. Frank Reid, a prominent Simcoe barrister, was the next President serving from 1907 to 1911. But few meetings were held during that period and the minutes reveal few noteworthy events. The Society became dormant in 1911 and no further meetings were held until 1915. In 1915 the Society was reorganized and a new president elected in the person of H. Frank Cook, a native son of Norfolk, who afterwards became inspector of public schools for the county and who held that important office for many years. One of the first decisions in 1915 was to purchase the Black Creek site, where the French priests wintered, and to erect a cairn there; and also to proceed with the erection of a memorial cross on Brant Hill. Several years were still to elapse before these became a reality. One reason was the intervention of the First World War, which meant another suspension of the Society's activity from March 1916 to September 1920. A new era of affairs in the way of preserving Canadian historical sites was instituted in 1920 with the formation of the Historic Sites and Monuments Board of Canada. Such outstanding Canadians as Dr. J.H. Coyne of St. Thomas, Brig-General E.A. Cruickshank of Ottawa and Fred Landon of London furnished the necessary leadership in this regard. Norfolk County was fortunate that these men recognized the historic nature of our county and during the next twelve years no less than six monuments were erected by the new Board within the confines of Norfolk County. In these activities, the Norfolk Historical Society, under President H. Frank Cook, played a prominent role. In July, 1922, the Society acted as host to the annual meeting of the Ontario Historical Society in Simcoe and on this occasion the first monument was unveiled in the form of the memorial cross on Brant Hill commemorating the visit of the French priests in the winter of 1669-70 to take possession of this country in the name of the King of France. Two years later, in September 1924, the long-awaited Black Creek cairn was officially dedicated under the Society's auspices. Following this flurry of activity, the Society again became dormant from September 1924 to March 1927, at which time a movement was started to form the nucleus of a museum for preservation of historic relics and documents. Henry S. Johnson, a charter member of the Society, who had served many years as Curator of the Society and who had contributed many important articles of an historical nature to the The Simcoe Reformer, was a leader in this movement. Mr. Johnson was a former publisher of the Reformer and later for many years Deputy Registrar of Deeds for Norfolk County. Another leader in the movement was W. Edgar Cantelon, widely-known Simcoe artist, who for many years had voluntarily undertaken the painting of historical Norfolk scenes, buildings and personalities (see Cantelon on Cantelon). The time had clearly come for housing these prices relics, pictures and documents in a place of safekeeping. Accordingly, the basement of the Simcoe Public Library was secured for storing them and a start made on a Norfolk Museum of Art and Antiquities. In July 1928 the Society was greatly encouraged by an offer from Mrs. Eva Brook Donly to leaver her historic old home on Norfolk Street South as a museum. From this time forward new interest was shown in the Society's work. Meanwhile the Historic Sites and Monuments Board had proceeded to erect the Fort Norfolk cairn on the brow of Turkey Point hill to mark the place where British soldiers were quartered in the war of 1812-1814. Dr. James H. Coyne unveiled this cairn October 1928 in the presence of a large assemblage of Norfolk citizens. At a reorganization meeting of the Norfolk Historical Society in September 1929, Dr. W.A. McIntosh of Simcoe was elected President and Bruce M. Pearce as Secretary, succeeding H.S. MacPherson, who had served as Secretary for many years. Dr, MacIntosh, a native son of Norfolk, had enjoyed a long record of public service, having been Mayor of Simcoe, Medical Officer of Health and a leader both in peacetime and during the first war. Giving a generous share of his time and talents to the Society's work, he made a great contribution in his three years as President. The Society acquired one hundred members and enjoyed a prestige that it had previously lacked. One of the principal activities at this time was the Chadwick Academy Project, initiated by a committee headed by E.H. Jackson. Located in Charlotteville just south of Vittoria, the Academy was the oldest school building extant in this part of Ontario, having been established early in the 19th century by Rev Eli Chadwick. Many of Norfolk's pioneer citizens, of whom several became outstanding public leaders in Ontario, received their early schooling in this building The Society was incorporated at this time to allow it to hold property and the sum of $500 was raised by public subscription to purchase the building. It became a centre of historic interest and several meetings of the Society were held there. Unfortunately, interest diminished and the Society found it necessary to dispose of the building. In the summer of 1929 the Simcoe Centennial, marking the 100th anniversary of the first post office under the name of Simcoe, was held and a cairn was unveiled in Lynnwood Park to commemorate pioneer Simcoe citizens. Lieutenant-Governor W.D. Ross performed the unveiling ceremony. In November of 1929, the Society held an Abigail Becker Night, when the heroine's daughter, Mrs. Eleanor Rohrer, presented a fine portrait of her mother, the family bible and a gold medal which was a gift of the New York Lifesaving Society to the heroine, to the Norfolk Historical Society. Many years later the Society was to have a role in unveiling a memorial plaque to Abigail Becker at Port Rowan, overlooking the waters of Long Point Bay. By September 1930, the Brock monument in Powell Park, Port Dover, was completed. It was erected by the Historic Sites and Monuments Board to commemorate the visit to Port Dover by General Isaac Brock in 1812 to recruit the Norfolk militia as part of the expedition to the western frontier for the relief of Amherstburg. General Cruickshank, Board Chairman, officiated at this ceremony. Other unveilings and dedications followed in rather quick succession. In September 1931, a tablet at Normandale was dedicated to commemorate the famous Van Norman Foundry, where implements of numerous kinds were manufactured from the plentiful bog iron found in that district. The last resting place of Judge James Mitchell, first county Judge of Norfolk County, was restored and re-dedicated under the Society's auspices in October 1932. The same month a tablet was unveiled at Nanticoke to mark an exploit of the War of 1812-1814, in which the Norfolk militia played an exceedingly important role in repelling American invaders. The first President to die while in office, Dr. MacIntosh passed away in August 1932, to be succeeded by Ernest H. Jackson, a prominent Simcoe druggist who had taken an active role in stimulating interest in local history for many years. He served from 1933 to 1936 inclusive and during his tenure of office many memorable meetings of the Society were held. In 1934, the Norfolk Museum of Art and Antiquities was officially opened in the Simcoe Public Library basement and the acquisition of relics speeded up. Among prominent Norfolk men interested in this task were Harry J. Brook, who assembled a large historical collection, and James Edgeworth who built a fine collection at historic Edgeworth Park. Unfortunately the bulk of the Edgeworth collection was lost to the Society after his death. Another noteworthy 1934 event was the visit of Willoughby P. Cole of London, England, and his daughter, Miss Dorothy Cole, to Simcoe. Mr Cole was a great-grandson of Governor John Graves Simcoe. While a guest of the Society, Mr Cole officiated at the planting of an oak tree in Lynnwood Park near the spot where his illustrious ancestor bivouacked for a night many years ago. Also in 1934, Judge Arthur T. Boles and Canyon Ryerson were speakers at a United Empire Loyalist picnic held at Port Ryerse. Other speakers to address the Society were Louis Blake Duff, noted Canadian historian, who served as chairman of the Historic Sites and Monuments Board. Assuming office as President in 1937 was H.S. MacPherson, long-time principal of Simcoe public schools and an active worker in the Society down through the years. The Society played host that summer to four neighbouring Societies at an outing at Turkey Point, marking the 100th anniversary of the Rebellion of Upper Canada. Delbert T. McCall, scion of one of Norfolk's outstanding families, became President in 1940 and continued in that office for four years, making a notable contribution to the Society's record. A charter member of the Society, he had never lost interest and his work as associate curator of the Museum was invaluable. In January 1941, Mrs. Donly passed away and the municipality of Simcoe accepted the legacy of her home, to become known as the Eva Brook Donly Museum of Art and Antiques. An endowment of $10,000 accompanied the gift, with interest being used each year to assist in upkeep. A Museum Commission was appointed by the municipality to administer the property and to care for its maintenance. The Commission, by resolution, invited the Norfolk Historical Society to take charge of the task of creating the Museum and for this purpose the Society's officers were charged with the responsibility of assembling in the new Museum building all of the relics, paintings and documents hitherto housed in the public library and the registry office. It would require several years to complete this task. Indeed the formal opening of the enlarged Museum, with its Centennial wing, did not take place until 1967. In the intervening years the Society's directors accomplished a vast amount of work in cataloguing artifacts - assembling paintings and placing the documents in proper order. As well, the Society had the task of re-arranging furnishings and creating exhibits. From 1941 onward the regular meetings of the Society were held in the Eva Brook Donly Museum, by agreement with the Museum Commission. In June 1942, the Society again played host to the Ontario Historical Society, with meetings being held at the Museum. On that occasion the new institution was officially opened and a tablet in memory of Egerton Ryerson was unveiled in the hallway of the Museum. Fred Landon, representing the Historic Sites and Monuments Board, presided at the ceremony. Still another unveiling took place at about this time in the form of the Collver-Culver cairn, commemorating one of Norfolk's oldest families and located on Highway No. 24, three miles north of Simcoe. That cairn was largely the work of Archie E. Culver of Simcoe, who himself had given many years of service to the Society. Dr. Ralph Smith, native son of Simcoe and a distinguished missionary-journalist, was elected president of the Society at its annual meeting in 1945. Frank Shearer became Secretary succeeding Miss Harriet Mabee, who had carried on during the war years. The time had come to war's end to devote greater attention to making the museum an historic showplace. Dr. Smith served for four years as the Society's President and also as Chairman of the Museum Commission during this time. Through his personal leadership a big improvement program was carried out at the Museum. A new oil furnace was installed, new chairs and new showcases procured and the building made ready in every way for public inspection. Simcoe town council made an annual grant of $1000 to the Museum Commission to assist in this work. The Commission empowered the Historical Society to carry out the arrangements and to prepare the Museum for public inspection. The large upstairs room in the Museum was re-decorated at the expense of the Brook family and set aside for display of Mrs. Donly's numerous paintings and collections of pottery and earthenware. Harry J. Brook, a brother of Mrs. Donly, provided the initiative and supervision required to complete this work. Mr. Brook himself was for some years very active in assembling relics and antiques from pioneer homes in the county. Many of these, including a considerable number of wares from the Normandale Forge, were given by him to the Norfolk Historical Society and included among the Museum exhibits. Throughout this period the ladies of the Society were active in the way of holding garden parties and other functions to raise money for the Society's work. The Women's Institutes of Norfolk County were also very helpful in this way. In 1945 the death occurred of Miss Carrie McCall, one of the Society's stalwarts for many years. She had given a donation as a nest-egg for acquiring the remarkable collection of three hundred historical paintings from the brush of W Edgar Cantelon for the Museum. Dr. Smith now instituted a public appeal for contributions toward this fund, which met with a fine response. The Women's Institutes lent able assistance and the county council contributed $1,500 toward the fund. The Cantelon pictures were officially taken over by the Society in October 1948 and the sum of $3500 paid to Mr. Cantelon, who had given a lifetime of work to the task of portraying in vivid colours the early history of Norfolk County. Dr. Smith was succeeded as President in 1949 by Dr. John A. Bannister, a native son of Norfolk and one of Ontario's outstanding educationists. He served for many years during his teaching career as principal of the Peterboro Normal School. Dr. Bannister always retained a keen interest in the early history of his native county and he became a voluminous writer on this subject. He authored the volume, "Early Educational History of Norfolk County", and a long list of papers on various facets of Norfolk history. His services as a speaker on historical subjects was in keen demand throughout the county. As president of the Historical Society for three years, Dr. Bannister made a notable contribution towards stimulating new interest in the Society's work. Through his initiative all of the Society's records and papers were placed on microfilm with the assistance of the Public Archives branch in Ottawa. Dr. Bannister had the honour of presiding for the fiftieth anniversary of the Norfolk Historical Society, celebrated in February 1950, with special meetings and "Open House" at the Eva Brook Donly Museum of Art and Antiques. This event stimulated new public interest in the Museum and resulted in a decision to have the Museum open to the public two afternoons a week - Wednesday and Saturday. Miss Barbara Boultbee was engaged to act as Curator for this purpose and also to undertake cataloguing and tagging of historic relics and pictures. Dr. Bannister was also prominent with the unveiling ceremonies of a succession of historic plaques erected in Norfolk County during the fifties by the Archeological and Historic Sites Board of Ontario. He provided the historic facts for these plaques and presided at several of the ceremonies. Dr. Bannister was succeeded in 1952 by John C. King, clerk-treasurer of Port Dover and long an interested member of the Society. Following him came William Z. Nixon, one of Norfolk's best-informed historians, who led the Society for a total of four years, 1953 to 1956 inclusive It was during Mr. Nixon's tenure of office that great progress was made both in popularizing the Musuem and infusing new interest in the Society's work. He himself provided several interesting and valuable papers on early Norfolk History and he secured the services of many able speakers on historical subjects. Mr. Nixon took a keen personal interest and activity in properly cataloguing and displaying the contents of the Museum. A few years later Mr. Nixon was named Custodian of the Museum with responsibility for all phases of its operation. Next President was Aaron Austin of Port Dover, a well-known architect, who served faithfully in his new office during 1957 and 1958. He drew the first plan for an addition to the Museum, which was even then considered necessary to expand its usefulness. He was succeeded by W.D. Stalker of Simcoe, a native son of Norfolk, who had served as Town Clerk and Treasurer of the municipality of Simcoe for many years and later as Manager of the Public Utilities Commission. Well-informed on the early history of Simcoe and district, he gave valued leadership. Mr. Stalker was also responsible for providing display racks for the entire set of three hundred Cantelon historical paintings. President from 1961 to 1964 was G.G. Bramhill, one of the few presidents to serve four years in office and one of the most active in the Society's history. Having served most of his career as District Agricultural Representative for Norfolk County, Mr. Bramhill had an intimate acquaintence with the whole district and with its historical lore. Under his direction the Society prospered and the Museum assumed new importance in community life. In co-operation with Monroe Landon, another lifelong and prominent citizen, and as Chairman of the Museum Commission, Mr. Bramhill initiated plans for an addition to the Museum as well as bringing about important improvements in the original building and the annex. He was succeeded in 1965 by Bruce M. Pearce, who had in earlier years served as secretary for twelve years and who had taken a prominent role in the Society's work down through the years. Under him, plans went forward, in cooperation with the Museum Commission, to build a new wing at the Museum as one of the Centennial projects of the Town of Simcoe. The townships of Woodhouse and Charlotteville, two of the more historic parts of Norfolk, lent their assistance in a financial way. With a total of some $32,000 being made available through the funds of the Commission, the municipalities and the provincial and federal governments, the project went forward with a view to officially opening in 1967, Canada's Centennial year. Voluntary contributions by public-spirited citizens in the amount of more than $3,000 brought the total invetsment in the project to around $35,000. Plans for the new Museum wing were drawn by a Simcoe architect, the late Warren M. Smale, and a contract for its construction was let early in 1966 to George Eerenberg of Simcoe. Due to the limited funds available, it was found necessary to limit the building to a one-story structure with connecting corridor to the main building. Provision was also made for a spacious vault in which to house historic documents, newspaper files, etc. The purpose of the new wing was to provide display space for the wealth of historic relics pertaining to Norfolk County's early history, which had been assembled down through the years. At this time it was realized by officers of the Norfolk Historical Society that they would require expert assistance in setting up the displays in the most attractive and interesting fashion. Consequently, the Society offered the Simcoe Art Club the use of the upstairs gallery for Art lessons in return for assisting the Society in setting up the display. A Display Committee from the Art Club volunteered their services in the persons of Mrs, John F. Brook, Mrs. Robert J. Hamilton, and Mrs. J.D. Struthers. Other members of the Art Club who rendered valued assistance were: Mrs. John Sutton, Mrs. W.M. Smale, Mrs. E.R. Mainman and Mrs. B.W. Anderson. Later Mrs. Jack Woodrow and Mrs. G.B. Dale contributed their services. It was a great challenge to start from scratch to select the most important relics, paintings, furniture, furnishings etc., and assemble them in the form of impressive historic displays. Fortunately, professional aid was also forthcoming from the Museums Branch of the Ontario Department of Archives, Toronto. Mr. V.N. Styrmo, museums advisor, came first to size up the project. He was followed by Miss Pauline Hooten, an expert in laying out museum displays. She came to Simcoe many times in the ensuing months and years to assist the Display Committee. Under her direction, the hard-working committee prepared and assembled a fascinating set of exhibits which lined both walls of the new wing, as well as the centre space of the spacious room. The aim was to have the work completed in time for Canada's Centennial, with the opening set for May 1967. Assisting in the work on behalf of the Society were the President, Bruce M. Pearce, and Past President, William Z. Nixon. The latter's profound knowledge of the Society's historical lore proved of invaluable benefit. The National Museum of Canada co-operated by loaning the famed Marburg Mastadon for the Centennial Exhibit. It was one of the prime centres of interest. There was the unique display commemorating the French Priest's Wintering Site; the Franklin collection of Indian Artifacts; the relics from the Dr. Troyer cabin, Norfolk's original settler; a U.E. Loyalist home; the fine array of products from the Normandale Forge; the heirlooms from Abigail Becker, heroine of Long Point; a marine exhibit featuring the schooner 'Garibaldi'; a beautiful bird display featuring the Whistling Swan, the Passenger Pigeon and Wild Turkey, as well as a nature panorama of colour slides shown on a new carousel; a fine collection of fossils and rocks from all parts of Norfolk County, arranged by Bruce Ward; a showcase of antique guns and revolvers; a rare collection of native Norfolk birds, displayed by Harry Bowden; and a colourful group of drawings of historic Norfolk buildings and landmarks, by members of the Simcoe Art Club. While these displays were being arranged, the older part of the Eva Brook Donly Museum was being completely renovated and re-decorated. One principle move was to transfer the priceless collection of Cantelon paintings, some 350 in all, from the old building to the new fireproof museum wing, where they were permanently set up for the viewing public. The livingroom and diningroom of the historic old home were tastefully restored in period style through the courtesy of Richard L. Brook, with the co-operation of friends who loaned articles of furniture The Centennial Wing was dedicated and the whole building opened to the public on May 3rd, 1967. Thenceforth, during that summer and fall, thousands of visitors, including all public school children above Grade Four from schools throughout the County, were delighted to see first-hand the impressive story of early days in Norfolk County. Officers and members of the Norfolk Historical Society acted as guides for visiting groups. It marked a landmark in the Society's history. Succeeding Mr. Pearce in the president's office was Robert Landon, who continued as president through 1968 and 1969. He had been responsible for many improvements in the outdoor surroundings of the museum, including new flower beds and regular care of lawn and shrubbery, as well as improvements to the exterior of the building. During his term of office, too, a Women's Archivist Committee was formed to continue the work of documenting the massive collection of papers, genealogies, etc., in the Society's custody. This committee was comprised of Mrs. H.J. Brook, Mrs. Nat Walker and Mrs. W.G. Godfrey. Its activities will be outlined later in this story. Harry B. Barrett succeeded to the presidency in 1970, continuing through 1971. He had been responsible for securing photographic copies of the Pope bird and wildlife paintings, from which he contributed a full set of slides for the museum carousel. He had taken a keen interest in the Society for many years and now, under his leadership, many interesting programs were provided for the Society's meetings. During his term of office, the Women's Display Committee undertook to provide funds for their work in improving the Museum by instituting an annual Musuem Christmas Party under the Society's auspices. It became a very popular event in the community's life, with old-fashioned and hand-made Christmas decorations, and old-fashioned Christmas goodies providing a warm pioneer Christmas atmosphere. Special days are also marked with loaned displays such as quilting, early-day dolls, etc. These events attracted many viewers. The Display Committee has changed in personnel throughout the years, but its director, Mrs. Robert J. Hamilton, remained at its head during this time, providing praiseworthy leadership in restoring a period-style atmosphere to this historic home, as well as in providing a variety of new displays in the Centennial Wing from year to year, including the creation of a typical pioneer bedroom in the upper storey of the original building. Assisting Mrs. Hamilton were Mrs. D.H. Gilbertson and Mrs. Paul A. Gilbertson, both of whom made important contributions. The committee was responsible for many exciting changes. The new visual effectiveness of their work added greatly to the historical concept of gracious living of a century and more ago. The presidency passed from Mr. Barrett to Roger H. Booth, who served during the year 1972 and who continued the good work done by his predecessors. Then came William G. Godfrey, who occupied the chair during 1973 and 1974. During these years much valuable research was carried out by the Archivist Committee. Many concerned Norfolk historians of the past had made a great contribution in this task. For instance, Dr. John Bannister was responsible was responible for having the Society's papers microfolmed by the Public Archives of Canada as early as 1958, under the heading of "Collections of the Norfolk Historical Society". Making use of this catalogue, the Archivist Committee now sought to locate and assemble the original papers. This was only the beginning of their task. Books in the Society's research library were classified and numbered according to the duo-decimal system. A master index was made of the scrapbooks of the late Henry Johnson and his daughter, Enid Johnson Dennis, as well as those of the late H. Frank Cook and Mrs. A.A. Murray. These are an invaluable source of information. Upon the receipt of the Reid-Tisdale legal papers in 1972, Mrs. R.J. Packard was named to the Archivist Committee and with the help of numerous volunteers the massive collection was sorted, classified and stored. In 1973, the first of three annual Local Initiatives Programs (LIP) was undertaken for the purpose of speeding up the work of the Archivist Committee. The LIP, funded under federal auspices, gave numerous young people the opportunity to work on the Society's documents. This resulted in the accomplishment of a great volume of back-log in the cataloguing and indexing of old documents, newspaper files and photographs. In addition, it facilitated completion of the monumental task of cataloguing inscriptions on monuments in all ceneteries throughout Norfolk County. The cemetary program had begun several years earlier and it is now complete, affording a most valuable source of reference for future years. Truly the Archivist Committee has earned the enduring thanks of the Society and its members for their unremitting work in preserving early history. During the years from 1968 to 1973, four additional historic plaques were provided for Norfolk County by the Archeological and Historic Sites Board of Ontario. First was the plaque commemorating the 'Founding of the Long Point Settlement', which was sponsored by the Port Rown and Long Point Chamber of Commerce. It was unveiled in the summer of 1968 at the municiple building grounds of the Township of South Walsingham. In September of the same year, under auspices of the Norfolk Historical Society, a plaque was erected in Lynnwood Park, Simcoe, to commemorate the "Founding of Simcoe". Then, in June, 1971, a plaque was unveiled at the grounds of Woodhouse United Church in tribute to Egerton Ryerson, a native of Norfolk and founder of Ontario's educational system. The final plaque erected in this period was on September 12, 1973, when the "Long Point Portage" was memorialized at the Long Point Provincial Park. Officers of the Norfolk Historical Society took a leading role in all of these ceremonies. These unveilings brought to sixteen the number of historic sites marked by government bodies in the County of Norfolk. Of these, six were erected by the Historic Sites and Monuments Board of Canada and ten by the Ontario Board. In summary, after seventy-five years, the outlook for the Norfolk Historical Society and its broad program of service in preserving the history of Norfolk County seems decidedly bright. |