Family Histories - DEFG
AB ... C ... DEFG ... HIJKL ... M ... NOPQR ... S ... TUVWXYZ
Note: Primary family names are listed alphabetically; however, you may use the Search facility (at the top of this page) to do a search for other families that may be included within the Primary family reference information.
By Angela (Daschsel) Files of Brantford, Ontario. Printed by Beck's Printing Services, Brantford, Ontario, 1987. Hard cover book, 229 pages.
NHS Archive number FAMILIES D 5
DAWSON Wm DAWSON married Rebecca Ann MONROE
By Loys Fawcett 2001 Duo-tang.
NHS Archive number: FAMILIES D-10
By Diane Martindale, Vickie Peart and Kathryn Stoneman, 1974. Part of an Opportunities for Youth Grant. Contains history of Decewsville and the DeCew family. (See also DeCou, DeCeu etc.)
NHS Archives number: FAMILIES D 14
DeCOU Family: The Genealogy of the DeCOU Family showing the descent of this family in America from LAUREN DES COU.
Compiled by E. Ella DeCou and John Allen DeCou. 1910. Three ring binder with a photo-copy of what appears to have been a hard-cover book 219 pages.
NHS Archive number: FAMILIES D-1
The Genealogy of the DE COU Family from LEUREN DES COU
Compiled by S. Ella DeCou of Trenton, New Jersey and John Allen DeCou of Moorestown, New Jersey, apparently first published in 1926. An authorized facsimile of the original, produced by microfilm-xerography in Xerox University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 1974. 219 page, hard cover book.
NHS Archive number: FAMILIES D 1
DEWBERRY - The Home Child
By Richard P Tanos, soft cover, 2004. Dewberry family.
NHS Archive number: FAMILIES D-11
By Larry Dickey. With pictures. 2004; 24 pages.
NHS Archive number: FAMILIES D-12
History of the DIENER Family
By Menno A Diener, 1994, Pathway Publishing Co., Aylmer, Ontario. Hard cover book. 181 Pages, Indexed.
NHS Archive number: FAMILIES D-2
DISBROW Tables: Generations 1 to 6
by Robert E Mosher and Cash L Disbrow Sr. 1998 Combind bound. Indexed.
NHS Archive number: FAMILIES D-8
Titus (5) DOAN, 1727-1803:
Cousins and Descendants in Ontario: A supplement to the DOANE Family 1902 and The DOANE Family Vol II. Soft bound book with family charts and photographs by Maxwell F Doan 1986. Indexed.
NHS Archive number: FAMILIES D-3b
DOANE Family: Deacon John DOANE of Plymouth and Dr. John DONE of Maryland.
(Original material from 1902, updated c1984). Three-ring binder with a mixture of photocopied and hand-written materials. Several hundred pages. Some indexed.
NHS Archive number: FAMILIES D-3a
The DOANE Family: Elijah, Jonathan, Elijah, Israel, Daniel, Daniel and John.
Duo-tang folder 31 Pages.
NHS Archive number: FAMILIESD-3d
Genealogy and History of the Daniel DODD Family in America 1646-1940
By Allison DODD and Rev. Joseph Fulford Folsom, Secretary of the New Jersey Historical Society. Published at Bloomfield, New Jersey, 1940. Hard cover book, 425-plus pages. Indexed.
NHS Archive number FAMILIES: D 6
Ancestry of Robert Joseph "Bob" DOLE
Compiled by Gerald M Haslam 1999. Includes BANNISTER Family from Norfolk. Three-ring Binder: Also includes DOLE, SOMERS, CORSON, STRATTON, DUNLAP, DAGGETT, LAW, CALLAN, TALBOTT, ULREY, WILLIAMSON, MITCHELL,KESSLER and MESSINGER families.
NHS Archive number: FAMILIES D-9
Eva BROOK DONLY, 1867-1941.
Two copies - one duo-tang and one three-ring binder.
NHS Archive number: FAMILIES D-7
David DUNCOMBE M.D.: A Family Tree with Thirteen Branches
By Michael Duncombe Ball 2007, thermal bound copy 136 pages Indexed, with pictures, newspaper articles etc.
NHS Archive number: FAMILIES D-13
DURKEE: Newsletters
Three ring binder containing DURKEE Family Newsletters Summer 1982-Summer 1986.
NHS Archive number: FAMILIES D-4
History of the EBY Family
by Ezra EBY of Berlin, Ontario. Printed by Hett and Eby Printers, 1889. Reprinted by Aden Edy of Cambridge, Ontario and Roy Groff Bauman of Waterloo, Ontario. 160-page, small-format booklet. Outlines the origin of the Eby family and of their faith.
NHS Archive number FAMILIES 1 E
NOTE: See also A Biographical History of Waterloo County by Ezra EBY
NHS Archive number: H&G Waterloo 1
The EDWARDS Family Tree:
Written by Myrtle Edwards Campbell 1974 and revised by Chester Edwards 1995.
NHS Archive number: FAMILIES E-3
Duo tang booklet of the ELLESWORTH family who settled in Houghton Township. Author unknown. 1991.
NHS Archive number: FAMILIES E-2
Descendants of William ELSWORTH of Grand Lake, United Empire Loyalist. A work in progress tothe 6th Generation.
By Ross W McCurdy, 2009. Soft cover book of 85 pages, indexed.
NHS Archive number: FAMILIES E-2a
ESCH - "Susannah: Chronicles of a Souris Homesteader".
By Margaret McLaughlin. Accopress book of 236 pages. Printed by Clouds' Nest Press, 2007. The story of Meno and Susannah (CHERREY) ESCH and their experiences moving from Wellington County, Ontario to Souris, Manitoba. It includes pictures of the family and an appendix that follows the family members after Susannah's death. Includes sources.
NHS Archive number: FAMILIES E 4
FAIR and BAKER Family Trees:
By Sandra Burggraeve nee RYDER. Duo-tang binder, 2007.
NHS Archive number: FAMILIES F 20
The Name and Family FAIRCHILD
By Timothy March Fairchild of Iowa City, Iowa. Hard cover book, 228 pages plus photo pages.
NHS Archive number Families F 1
See also F 14, F 15
The FERRIS Family of Turkey point and Normandale, Ontario, Canada.
By Wayne Jackson, May 2007. Spiral bound document, lots of pictures. Not indexed. Includes CLEMENS, JACKSON, SPRINGER families.
NHS Archive number: FAMILIES F 21
The FEWSTER Family History
By Shirley (Holland) Eichenberg, 1981. (Previous surname spelling: FEASTER.) 75-page typewritten manuscript, coil-ringed soft cover, includes photos, illustrations.
NHS Archive number FAMILIESF 4
FICK Historical Genealogy:
Researched by Howard Jackson. Duo-tang.
NHS Archive number: FAMILIES F 10
Loyalist Travels to Upper Canada: The FICK Ancestry of Prussia Germany. 1679 John Peter FICK - 1725 John Peter FICK.
Contains some lovely family stories as well as the genealogy of the FICK family.
NHS Archive number: FAMILIES F-17
The Footsteps of the FILE Family
By Angela Files and Darby Livingston. Printed by Mercantile Press, Brantford, Ontario, 1982. Hard cover book.
NHS Archive number FAMILIES F 5
The Descendants of William FILE and Mary Jane LOWRY/ MYERS.
Compiled by Linda Lowry 1998.
NHS Archive number: FAMILIES F 5b
The FISCHERS of Rhineland, Middleton Township: Charles Henry FISHER (1871-1954) married Oliva WILSON
By Eileen Gibbs of Maryland and Mrs. Edith Emerick of Delhi, Ontario, circa 1984. Approximately 50-pages, manuscript, photocopy of handwritten original in a Duo Tang cover.
NHS Archive number FAMILIES F 6
George Lewis FISHER (1868-1953), Director of Music and Botanist Extraordinaire, of St. Thomas Ontario
By William G. Stewart, 1983. 102-page typewritten manuscript. Soft cover.
NHS Archive number: FAMILIES F 7
FLEMING Genealogy:
Author unknown. Consists of approximately 100 pages of type-written and hand-written material of the Fleming family of Haldimand County. Information starts with John Fleming born c1791 in Co. Tyrone, Ireland. Three-ring binder.
NHS Archive number: FAMILIES F 21
Levi FONGER (1805-1863) and His Descendants:
By Edith A Wilson 1990. Three-ring binder, indexed.
NHS Archive number: FAMILIES F 8
The FORRESTS of Cumberland County, Nova Scotia:
A three- ring binder produced by John G Cole 1999. Family charts, pictures of grave markers etc.
NHS Archive number: FAMILIES F 12
By Gladys Francis Lewis. Three-ring binder - not Indexed.
NHS Archive number: FAMILIES: F 19
Ancestors of John FRANKLIN, Walsingham, 1803-1828; Some of his descendants
By Benjamin W. Franklin of Bonita Springs, Florida, 1996. 18-page manuscript in plastic cover. Includes sources.
NHS Archive number: FAMILIES F 13
Descendants of Simon FRASER of Laggan, Inverness-shire, Scotland and Allied families in Scotland, Canada and the United States.
By Margaret Isabel Fraser Brewster. 1957. 219 Page, hardcover book with pictures and documents. Indexed.
NHS Archive number: FAMILIES F 2
Family charts and other materials related to the descendants of Rev. Daniel FREEMAN and his wife Phoebe SWAYZE.
By Luena Yvonne (Close) Bell. Duo-tang binder.
NHS Archive number: FAMILIES F 9
The FRISHETTE Family - 8 Generations:
NHS Archive Number: FAMILIES F 18
FULLER. The Indicator of Jonathan FULLER
By Dr. Alan J. Clark of New Smyrna Beach, Florida, 1995. A 21-page manuscript in a Duo Tang cover. Includes source references and the genealogy of Abraham SMITH and FAIRCHILD families.
NHS Archive number: FAMILIES F-14
The FULLER Family:
Information on the FULLER, FAIRCHILD and SMITH Families. Large Three-ring binder - not Indexed.
NHS Archive number: FAMILIES F 15
The FULLER Families of Early Oxford County, Ontario Canada and Many relatives in Norfolk County, Perth County, Windsor and the United States.
Duo-tang folder by J David Fuller, March 2000. Indexed.
NHS Archive number: FAMILIES F 16
FULSOM's of Caistor Township, Lincoln County, Ontario, Canada, 1862
By Mrs. Doreen Fulsom Dorge and Mr. Donald L. Green. Published 1990. Includes supplement dated 1991. Approximately 200 pages of loose-leaf dot matrix printout in a three ring binder.
NHS Archive number: FAMILIES F 11
The Descendants of Henry GABLE
by unidentified author, 1992. (Probably Darryl Bonk) Approximately 70 pages of a computer printout.
NHS Archive number: FAMILIES G 12
The Descendants of Henry and Elizabeth GABLE: An Early Ontario Pioneer Family.
Compiled by Darryl Bonk with assistance from Gail Robertson and Dianne Gable. Indexed. 172 Pages.
NHS Archive number: FAMILIES G 16
Henry GATES Family of Upper Canada 1791-1981 with Genealogy of Allied Families
by Carole Gates Sorensen, 1981 of Las Vegas, Nevada. 286-page self-published book, typewritten photo offset printed, hard cover.
NHS Archive number: FAMILIES G 1
No Smiling Path
by Catherine Elizabeth McEWEN. Story of William and Elizabeth GEARY. 382 pages, soft cover, printed by the Aylmer Express.
NHS Archive number: FAMILIES G 18
The GIFFORD Family History. Perry GIFFORD's descendants of South Cayuga Township, Haldimand County
by Keith Nathan Topp of Etobicoke, Ontario, 1990. Approximately 170 pages in Duo-Tang cover.
NHS Archive number: FAMILIES G 9
By Harriet Walker of Waterford, Ontario. Privately published hard cover book. Printed in Simcoe, Ontario. Approximately 400 pages, 1981. NHS Archive number: FAMILIES G 2
Index to GILBERT Genealogy
(Walker's Isaac Gilbert book)
by unknown author, undated. 7-page typewritten manuscript. This Index contains surnames only, no given names.
NHS Archive number FAMILIES G 2
The GILBERT Pioneers
compiled by Miss Stella Scott, undated. 2-page typewritten manuscript.
NHS Archive number: FAMILIES G 6
Genealogy and History of the GLOVER Family of Saxon Origin.
Formerly spelled "GOLOFRE" and in the 14th Century "GLOVE".
By D T McCall. 10 pages in a Duo-tang folder.
NHS Archives number: FAMILIES G 5
GOOD - "Myrtleville: A Canadian Farm and Family, 1837-1967"
by Beth Good Latzer, 1976. Canadian Edition published 1980. ISBN 0-8093-0747-2. The GOOD Family Genealogy. Descendants of Allen GOOD of Brant County, Ontario. 312 pages.
NHS Archive number: FAMILIES G 11
Ancestry of William Cosgrove GORDON and His Wife Kate GODFREY
By R D Gordon, 2006. 79 pages, indexed. Well sourced.
NHS Archive number: FAMILIES 20
Descendancy Chart by Jean N Patterson. Duo-tang folder.
NHS Archive number: FAMILIES G 15
The GRAVES Family Reunion Records, 1925-1957.
Minutes and attendance etc for GRAVES Reunion.
NHS Archive number. FAMILIES G 17
Robert GREEN Family
by Wesley S. Green, 1975. (Donated by Richard E. Green of Newark, Delaware.) Includes GLOVER family. Approximately 30 typewritten pages. Soft cover.
NHS Archive number: FAMILIES G 7
The Robert GREEN Family
By Wesley S Green. Duo-tang folder 1975.
NHS Archive number: FAMILIES G 14
GROUT and RAYMOND Families
by Robert Moore of St. Thomas, Ontario, 1992. Approximately 25 pages, typewritten in a Duo-Tang cover.
NHS Archive number: FAMILIES G 13
You are a STRATFORD - Volume IV. Featuring The GRUMMETT Family
147 loose leaf pages, Combind bound. Includes photocopied photos and source documents. Produced about 1989.
NHS Archive number: FAMILIES G 10
Ancestors and Descendants of John R. GUNTON and Eliza JARVIS (Draft)
by David Avery of Don Mills, Ontario, undated. (Author now resides at Simcoe, Ontario.) 212-page typewritten manuscript in an Accopress cover.
NHS Archive number FAMILIES G 3
Also finished hard cover book G 4
The GUSTINE Compendium:
Three-ring binder containing what appears to be a photocopy of a hard-cover book by Gustine Courson Weaver (Mrs. Clifford Weaver). Printed 1928, donated by Catherine Shaw.
NHS Archive number: FAMILIES G 8
Grandmother: Bertha Lenora GUTCHER-RODGERS: Life, Family and Ancestors.
By Betty Carpenter and George Rodgers. 2005. A Descendant of Acadians and United Empire Loyalists, whose life was centred around Norfolk County. Includes BUCK, GRAY, GUTCHER, HAZEN, LONG, MARR, MATTHEWS, and RODGERS families.
NHS Archive number: FAMILIES G 19