Note Cards - Eva Brook Donly Collection
Note cards depict objects and art belonging to the Eva Brook Donly Collection at the Eva Brook Donly Museum and Archives. Variety pack includes 5 different cards with envelopes. (15 x 12 cm)
Photographed by Jerri Whiting
Old Au Sable
A history of the Au Sable Region of Michigan, USA from the coming of the white man through the lumbering days to the present. Revised in 1964. Condition is good (180 pages- 28 x 14.5 cm )
Author: Hazen L. Miller
Old Sussex County Families
Genealogy of old families of Sussex County of the Minisink Region, New York, USA. (204 pages - 23 x 15 cm)
Author: Charles Edgar Stickney
Condition: Good
Old United Empire Loyalists
The centennial of the settlement of Upper Canada by the United Empire Loyalists - 1784-1884 and the celebrations at Adolphustown, Toronto, and Niagara, with an appendix containing a copy of the E.U. List preserved in the Crown Lands Department at Toronto. (334 pages - 21.5 x 14.5 cm)
Published by the Centennial Committee
Condition: Very Good
Old Woodhouse Church
A history of the Old Wodhouse Methodist Church established in 1800, eventually becoming a United Church of Canada. (288 pages - 28.5 x 22 cm)
Author: Twila and Rodger Cruickshank
Ontario Agricultural Commission 1881 - App B
Appendix B contains returns relating to the soil, climate, topographical features, cultivable area, and products of, and the progress and condition of husbandry. (668 pages - 25.5 x 17 cm)
Condition: Acceptable - binding of book is loose but pages are in good condition.
Ontario Historical Society - Papers and Records Vol 13
Papers and records e.g.: unpublished letters from Gen. Brock, Rush-Bagot Agreement of 1817,Valley of the Ottawa in 1613, British North America League , 1849.
Condition - fair.
Ontario Historical Society - Papers and Records Vol 21
Contains stories of the history of Ontario by various authors. (261 pages- 26 x 19 cm)
Published by the Ontario Historical Society in 1924.
Condition: Good
Ontario Historical Society - Papers and Records Vol 22
Contains stories on the history of Ontario by various authors. (337 pages - size 26 x 19 cm)
Published by the Ontario Historical Society 1925.
Condition: Good
Ontario Historical Society - Papers and Records Vol 28
Contains stories on the history of Ontario by various authors. (337 pages - size 26 x 19 cm)
Published by the Ontario Historical Society in 1932
Condition: Good
Ontario In Rhyme
Dr. Egerton Ryerson, the founder of the Public School System of Ontario, was born in Norfolk County. His descendants have taken prominent roles in the political, social and business affairs of Ontario with descendants of other pioneer families of the county. These facts have been chronicled in "Owen's Sketches of Long Point Settlement,' and "The Early Education History of Norfolk County". Following these excellent works, we have this book of poems by the Norfolk Poetic Society,who gratefully acknowledges its indebtness to the various poets who have contributed to this book. (75 pages - 22 cm x 14.5 cm)
Author: Norfolk Poetic Society
Ontario Marriage Notices (Hardcover)
This hard cover edition both complements and supplements the late William D.Reid's book Marriage Notices of Ontario and includes the years 1830-1856. (435 pages - 23 x 15 cm )
Author: Thomas B. Wilson
Condition: Very Good
Descendants of John and Christiana (Cohoe) Ostrander of Crowland and Bayham Twps, Ontario. A work in progress to the 7th generation ( 179 pages, 21.5 x 15 cm )
Author: Ross W. McCurdy
Pagan Summer
A novel of life and love in the Canadian rockies. (253 pages - 21.5 x 14 cm)
Author: David Beasley (Fiction)
Parish of St Paul's - A View From the Back Pew
A History of St. Paul's Anglican Church in Port Dover. (613 pages - 23 x 15.4 cm)
Author: Harry B. Barrett
People of North Walsingham
The 1901 census of North Walsingham Twp of Norfolk County by Robt Mutrie with abbreviations ( 59 pages includes 10 pages of index. - 28 x 21.5 cm)
Author: Robert Mutrie
People of Port Rowan - 1901
People of Port Rowan in 1901 includes the 1901 census of Port Rowan and how to read it. (14 pages and 3 page index. - 28 x 21.5 cm)
Author: Robert Mutrie
People of South Walsingham
The 1901 census of South Walsingham Twp of Norfolk County with abbreviations. (49 pages includes 9 pages of index - 28 x 21.5 cm)
Author: Robert Mutrie
Petticoat Warfare
A story based on one woman's truth and dedicated to her former comrades-in -petticoats,both living and dead of WW2. (82 pages - 23 x 15 cm)
Author: Ruth Tierney
Pioneer Days in Upper Canada
A history of the early life in Upper Canada - the homes, food and cooking, lumbering and more, complete with portraits, photographs and drawings. Paperback. (216 pages- 22 x 14.5 cm )
Author: Edwin C. Guillet
Condition: Good