Norfolk Historical Society Publications
These are special publications that deal with Norfolk topics and contain great data for genealogists. Edited and printed by the Norfolk Archive volunteers. They are always available as stapled booklets; however, many have been converted to digital format and may be emailed/downloaded to eliminate delays and save you postage.
N.H.S Publications
Charlotteville Assessments 1808-1811
Norfolk County, Charlotteville Township Assessments 1808-1811 with index. (26 pages - 28 cm x 21.5 cm)
Charlotteville Births 1876-1900
A transcript of Charlotteville Township, Norfolk County birth registations from the archives of the Norfolk Historical Society for births between 1876 and 1900. Indexed. (31 pages - 28 cm x 21.5 cm)
Charlotteville Marriages 1876-1914
A NHS publication of 61 pages of Charlotteville (Norfolk County) marriages from 1876 to 1914 with index. Size: 28 cm x 21.5 cm
Charlotteville Township - 1901 Census
This is an unusual print of a census as it is a copy of the original census format. exactly as shown on microfilm. Beautifully done (100 pages - 28 x 21.5 cm)
Charlotteville Township Assessment 1841
Prior to 1851, assessments were one of the many ways to provide a list of local citizens and help round out a picture of a settler's life. ( 17 pages - 28 x 21.5 cm ).
Christian Observer - Index
Births, marriages and deaths from 1851- 1853. the Christian Observer was a well edited and handsomely printed monthly journal published from Toronto as a paper dedicated to promoting the Baptist Church in Canada. (27 pages - 28 x 21.5 cm)
County of Norfolk - Oxford & Norfolk Gazetteer and Directory
Many pages of interesting facts about Norfolk County and Norfolk townships, taken from the Oxford and Norfolk Gazetteer and Directory of 1867. Many communities and individuals listed. (45 pages - 28 x 21.5 cm)
Doan's Hollow Cemetery
Doan's Hollow Cemetery, Lot 5 & 6, Concession 3, Woodhouse Twp, Norfolk County with notes and a few photos, physical layout. (25 pages - 28 x 21.5 cm)
Early Norfolk County Land Patents 1795-1883
The early land patents transcribed in this booklet come from a group of lists of land grants in Upper Canada entitled "Index of Grants of Land, Town, Park, and Water Lots in Upper Canada, from 1790-1 to Dec. 31.1825. (82 pages- 28 x 21.5 cm)
Haldimand County Marriages 1803-1856
Marriage reisters with index and notices from various local churches. (48 pages - 28 x 21.5 cm)